Friday, 5 June 2015

Rooting Lenovo A3000-H

First of all what is Rooting?

Rooting is the process of allowing users of smartphones,tablets and other devices running the Android mobile operating system to attain privileged control (known asroot access) over various Android's sub systems. As Android uses theLinux kernel, rooting an Android device gives similar access to administrative permissions as on Linuxor any other Unix-like operating system such asFree BSDor OS X. Here on this post I am discussing how to root Lenovo A3000-h.

Rooting Lenovo A3000-h.

Open devoloper option in setting and tick on the USB debugging option.

Debugging option.
Now download the Framaroot app. And install it on your device.

Open the framaroot app. And click the boromir button.

Framaroot screen
Then you will see a pop up screen.

Pop up screen.
Now you just need to restart your device your device is rooted.Now you you will see a supersu app installed on your menu.

supersu installed.
Enjoy rooting.....

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